We are currently paused for sales. Be back soon.

Intrepid Worldwide



                                                           Intrepid Worldwide

Intrepid Clothing Co. has officially launched our Worldwide program where YOU can send in your intrepid story and have a chance to WIN your own shirt design and be featured on our web page.

That’s right! YOUR story, your adventure, your lessons, your #intrepidlife.

 Intrepid Promise:

  1. Promise to share your story online under our adventure section
  2. Promote your story via social media and events
  3. Design a shirt specifically for your story
  4. Receive a FREE intrepid shirt along with 1 version of your design in every style
  5. Earn CASH. Every sale from your design you will receive 10% cash back at the end of every month or donated to a charity of your choosing!

  ***Intrepid Clothing Co. reserves all rights on final design, styles, number of versions, and how long the winners design will be available for purchase online***



Intrepid Winners  

2019 Jake Tucker - Boise, Idaho, USA