Here are some quick stats as of a few days ago:
25 million acres burned that’s about 32,400 square miles
1 BILLION animals have been killed or seriously injured
25 people have been arrested for arson
2700 firefighters – 3 killed
1600 homes destroyed
653 homes damaged
25 people dead
80 time larger than the California fires in 2019. WHAT? Also, 5,000 square miles larger than the Amazon rainforest fires. HOLY SHIT!
For those of you who don’t know I am originally from Australia. I was just back in the homeland in November to surprise my father for his 70th BDAY! The fires then were already well out of control. My father and both uncles are on the rural volunteer bush fire department! They have been fighting fires as much as possible, my father got a lung infection from it and had to be on antibiotics for a week.
America is my home, no doubt about that, I love this country with all my heart! No one can ever challenge or question my loyalty for the USA! Australia is also my home! I have blood there; I was born there; half of my heart is still there! Seeing my homeland firsthand burning to the ground is a very disturbing feeling.
Please join the movement anyway you can, donate for a pair of sunglasses, purchase Intrepid Clothing Co or Bone Frog Apparel, share this post, donate directly to a non-profit, anything! Together WE can and WILL make a difference, let’s help #savedownunder!
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